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Looking Back on 2024, what’s the biggest change you’ve seen in D&A this year?

I’m fortunate to be able to attend many data community events every year (thank you for your Roundtables!) and meet data leaders from all industries. The challenges seem to fit into 2 camps: 1) not enough stakeholder buy-in or budget and the struggle to make meaningful change in an organisation or 2) you have the buy-in and investment but it’s then keeping up with the pace of change and level of expectation whilst grappling with foundational challenges.

What’s a skill that’s vital to successful D&A leadership?

There are many skills necessary to be successful in our roles but I think the one that is absolutely key is the ability to communicate clearly and build relationships across all areas and levels of the business.

If you could gift one book or podcast to a fellow D&A leader, what would it be?

I seem to be cultivating quite a data book collection these days! I recently gave one of my favourites, ‘Data Means Business’ by Jason Foster and Barry Green, to my colleague Andrew Cameron

How do you like to unwind and recharge over the holidays?

I like to spend time with family and friends, eat lovely food and make the most of London’s many Christmassy attractions and events.

Stay tuned for more data leaders as we approach Christmas Day.